Wednesday 25 June 2008

Launching My Blog, My Inspiration

Inspire. In Latin means "in spirit".

An inspirational speech, a speech that truly touches peoples' heart, bringing out their own feeling, desire and passion on doing certain things. An inspirational speech should not be mistaken with a motivational speech said Ailsa. As to differentiate them, an inspirational speech is sustainable while, a motivational speech would give someone a deep profound short term impact.

Yesterday, I had a sudden glimpse of making this blog a writing blog on my way back from my regular every fortnight toastmasters meeting.

This morning, I read an article from the June 2008 publication of the Toastmaster magazine titled "My Day in Prison - A Toastmaster is inspired by the women behind bars".

And finally, on my way back home I thought: What are the chances that will I be asked the question "who inspired you" whenever I attended a Toastmasters meeting? The chances are very high.

The sign is clear. I should develop this blog as a personal development blog that will help me to understand myself and in helping (or even inspire) others through my personnel experiences.

I am proud to launch with the title My Blog, My Inspiration.

- Eu Jin