Thursday 18 December 2008

Eban Pagan - Marketing Tips

Eban Pagan. Guys come to the website to learn pick up line. Business people come to him to learn about business and marketing secrets, all they want to know is the pick up lines for marketing.

Eban is teaching us the inner game of marketing, the secret psychology that he use to create marketing. Pick up line is not going to do the job. So, Eban will show us the 3 mindsets that underlies their philosophy of marketing and to dominate the market.

MINDSET #1 - Scarcity Thinking
Mindset of "I don't have and I do not know how to create value for others. So I have to figure out how they are going to just give it to me." - How to get a dollar from a million people.

What Eban found out is that people are not going to give you the money without getting value in return.

Than the earlier mindset has evolved into "How do I give a $100 worth of value to a million people and then ask them for $10 in return?"
  • You must how to create the value for people.
  • Then you must understand people, understand the psychology of how they process value.

MINDSET #2 - Learn to Get the Short End of the Stick.
Eban talks about the Fist Trap for monkey story. We should think of the big picture, open minded. Let of value to save their own life.

Learn to create massive value without thinking of getting paid or not will make you a very wealthy person.

Eban gives the example of psychology test of person A and B splitting the money. If people think that this is the quality free stuff that they are getting, how much more would they get if they pay for the product.

MINDSET #3 - Don't Keep your Best Idear Secret
What is the one think that you figure out over the lifetime that can help your prospect out the most, the idea that could give them the most value, things that work every single time, the magic bullet that you figure out? Give it AWAY.

  1. Moving the free line - Information products are one of the lowest cost and highest preceived value product.
  2. Move the depth line - Having deeper relationship with the customer.
  3. How to name things - Coca-cola and Blackberry example. Jack Trout. The mind learns by ear, not by sight. Make the name tasty to the phonological loop. How do you creat that? Repetitative sound in the name - same first sound (literation) or same last sound (rhyming).

Saturday 13 December 2008

Everything is Possible - Paulette Bass

When I received my Toastmaster magazine today, flipping through it, the article "Paulette's Path" caught my attention. "With the help of a mentor, a disabled Toastmaster achieves Competant Communicator Award - after four years."

With dedication, focus, and continually seeking for improvement (through self discovery and seeking advice from mentor), everything is possible.

With her speech conclusion: "What are you waiting for? Confidence? Being artistic with words? Toastmasters helped me with both; it can help you too. What are you waiting for?" Congrats Paulette. You and your mentor, Carol Lundsford, are my inspiration.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!