Saturday 5 December 2009

Fasting Day #21

Time does fly. I have been surviving well during the 21 days fasting day period. Following are the interesting things that happen between day #6 and now:
  • I have been asked "What is your purpose of fasting?" I am pretty good at answering this question now. It has evolved from for the sake of trying it to coming up with 3 pretty convincing reasons (a) to cleanse my body from my regular caffeine 4 times a day intake over the past 3 years (b) its a personal calling of doing so (c) to understand my body better by testing its limit.
  • Sudden increase of awareness - this feeling is amazing. Although the feeling of hunger strikes during the lunch hour period (for approximately 10-15 minutes), after that, my mind is able to focus more on the things that I do. No sign of memory lost, however, nearing dinner time, the feeling of anxiety kicks in.
  • Flow of good knowledge into my life during my fasting period. Things that I do (read, listen, see) all seemed to carry messages that evolves around personal growth, understand myself better and life purpose.
There were two occasions where I break my fast during the 12 hours daily windows - It was during Swami's birthday celebration up in Aberdeen (29 November) and on Friday (4 December)

After today's traditional Ceilidh invited by Neil, I have got the realisation that musical instrument that we use, our body organ (such as voice box, heart etc) have their own life. What we need to do is to learn the language to communicate with them. One way to achieve this is to practice the attitude of gratitude.