Sunday 30 May 2010

My Bonsai Tree

About a month ago, lil' sis and I got ourselves a pot of 4 year old Bonsai plant (Zantoxylum) at Tesco, on the basis that it would be a great addition to our flat's decoration.

Until now, tips of most branches dried up and leaves fell. I was worrying whether it could survive under our care. As now I realise that taking care of a bonsai plant is like taking care of a child. No wonder, taking care of a bonsai tree is an art which requires patience, observation and education.

Finally after finding myself some free time today (well it is a bank holiday weekend), I was able to educate myself a little bit about the tree. After doing some research, I have decided to start with the art of watering the plant as recommended by the -

May be, one day, I might be able to share some inspirational thoughts through taking care this little plant.

I have also visited the following websites