Thursday 28 January 2010

Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan

Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan, Dean of Marshall Law School of USC. This concept was introduced to me by my friend/mentee via Altitude Monthly Mentor by Eben Pagan about few months ago. It was an interview between Eben and Dave.

Recently, after browsing through amazing and mind blowing videos from TED (for those of you who don't know TED, you are in real treat! TED - Technology, Entertainment and Design, is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading for more info please visit, I found a presentation by Dave! Please find below a presentation by Dave that I would like to share with everyone.

In summary, there are five tribal stages;
  • Stage one - 'Life Sucks'
  • Stage two - ' My Life Sucks'
  • Stage three - 'I'm Great'
  • Stage four - 'We're Great'
  • Stage five - 'Life is Great'
We all form tribes.

Leaders need to talk to all five levels (stages) in the society.

You don't leave them where you found them.

Tribes can only hear one stage above or below where they are.

Leaders nudge people and the tribe to the next stage.

Feel free the share you thoughts and experiences on this for the benefits of others. Thank you .

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